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Learn SQL using MySQL and General Database Design from Beginner to Advance


General Description:

Maybe you have a pressing need to learn about Database Design and/or Data Analysis but have not found a good place to learn. Or perhaps you are a developer who wants to improve your career options by having skills in SQL and MySQL, one of the worlds most popular databases.

Whatever the reason you have arrived here, this course will…

Help you understand and apply SQL with MySQL, including Database Design and Data Analysis.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to use SQL and MySQL.
  • Anyone who wants to be a database administrator or engineer.
  • IT students who are currently learning database, this course will further up their database knowledge.
  • Telecommunication individuals.

Course Requirements:

  • A PC (Windows or Linux) or Mac is required
  • No prior knowledge of Databases, SQL or MySQL is needed.

What you will learn in this course generally:

  • Have a detailed knowledge and understanding of using MySQL, one of the most widely used databases in the world.
  • Obtained a knowledge of SQL, and MySQL, allows students to apply for jobs in the IT sector.
  • In-depth knowledge of database design will give students an edge over other applicants.

Key concepts you will learn and work with in this course:

SQL (Structured Query Language – very much an in-demand technology).
MySQL (one of the worlds most popular and widely used databases).
Database Design
Data Analysis

The database design section (normalization and relationships) isn’t covered in the majority of SQL courses you find online.  You will struggle to find another MySQL course that has a section on this.   This section alone, will give you a huge edge over other applicants for jobs.

Through the course you will go through creating an example database for a cinema online booking system using concepts taught in the database design section.

Creating, Modifying and Deleting Tables in a Database (DDL)
Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data from Tables (DML)
Select Queries
Aggregate Functions
Database Design
Creating Databases.

In addition there are installation videos covering MySQL on Windows, Mac or Linux.

Not only does the course teach you SQL, but there are multiple exercises for you to try with video solutions to further help you understand the material.

Also note that while MySQL is the database of choice in this course, the SQL skills you acquire will work largely with any database including Oracle Database.

After completing this course, you will have the necessary skills to be able to use SQL confidently, have a solid understanding of MySQL and be skilled in database design.

The sooner you sign up for this course, the sooner you will have the skills and knowledge you need to increase your job or consulting opportunities.

SQL and MySQL skills are in high demand, as is Database Design, and you will understand and be able to use both after going through this course. Your new job or consulting opportunity awaits!

Why not get started today?

Click the Signup button to sign up for the course or the Start Course!

Course Curriculum

1. Course Introduction
1. Welcome to the Course 00:02:00
2. Syllabus Explanation 00:04:00
2. Installation and Setup
1. Section Introduction 00:01:00
2. Databases, SQL and MySQL 00:03:00
3. Relational Database Management System 00:03:00
4. MySQL Installation for Windows 00:15:00
5. MySQL Installation for Mac 00:13:00
6. MySQL Installation for Linux 00:12:00
7. MySQL Workbench Overview 00:14:00
8. Create Database 00:04:00
3. Data Definition Language
1. Section Introduction 00:04:00
2. Data Types 00:07:00
3. Primary and Foreign Keys 00:03:00
4. Creating the Coffee Store Database 00:09:00
5. Modifying Tables Adding and Removing Columns 00:04:00
6. Deleting Tables 00:02:00
7. Truncating Tables 00:02:00
4. More On Alter Table
1. Section Introduction 00:02:00
2. Creating Our Test Database 00:04:00
3. Add and Remove Primary Key 00:06:00
4. Add and Remove Foreign Key 00:05:00
5. Add Unique Constraint 00:04:00
6. Change Column Name 00:04:00
7. Change Column Data Type 00:05:00
8. Exercise 1 00:30:00
5. Data Manipulation Language
1. Section Introduction 00:00:51
2. Inserting Data Into Tables 00:06:00
3. Updating Data in Tables 00:06:07
4. Deleting Data from Tables 00:02:49
5. Completing the Coffee Store Database 00:02:39
6. Selecting from a Table
1. Section Introduction 00:01:14
2. Select Statement 00:01:46
3. Where Clause 00:04:53
4. Using Inequality Symbols 00:03:03
5. Null Values 00:03:11
6. Exercise 1 00:15:00
7. Solution 1 00:03:55
8. In, Not In 00:03:45
9. Between 00:04:04
10. Like 00:04:53
11. Order By 00:06:19
12. Exercise 2 00:15:00
13. Solution 2 00:04:23
14. Distinct 00:05:15
15. Limit 00:02:55
16. Column Name Alias 00:02:03
17. Exercise 3 00:15:00
18. Solution 3 00:03:45
7. Selecting From Multiple Tables
1. Section Introduction 00:01:08
2. What Are Joins 00:03:08
3. Inner Join 00:08:55
4. Left Join 00:08:55
5. Right Join 00:03:15
6. Joining more than Two Tables 00:04:33
7. Exercise 1 00:15:00
8. Solution 1 00:05:55
8. Database Design
1. Section Introduction 00:01:13
2. Normalization – What is it 00:00:00
3. 1st Normal Form (1NF) 00:01:50
4. 2nd Normal Form (2NF) 00:06:27
5. 3rd Normal Form (3NF) 00:09:30
6. Relationships 00:01:06
7. Relationships – One to One 00:02:31
8. Relationships – One to Many 00:02:01
9. Relationships – Many to Many 00:04:01
10. Constraints 00:03:53
9. Creating a Cinema Booking System Database
1. Section Introduction 00:01:11
2. Database Schema Overview 00:07:26
3. Create Films Table 00:04:55
4. Create Customers Table 00:02:54
5. Create Rooms Table 00:02:20
6. Create Screenings Table 00:04:45
7. Create Seats Table 00:03:54
8. Create Bookings Table 00:03:52
9. Create Reserved_Seat Table 00:04:35
10. Insert the Data 00:05:22
10. Aggregate Functions
1. Section Introduction 00:00:41
2. What are Aggregate Functions 00:02:30
3. Count 00:02:38
4. Sum 00:02:37
5. Min and Max 00:02:39
6. Average 00:02:09
7. Exercise 1 00:15:00
8. Solution 1 00:04:09
9. Grouping Data 00:09:44
10. Having Clause 00:01:44
11. Exercise 2 00:15:00
12. Solution 2 00:04:11
11. Subqueries
1. Section Introduction 00:00:33
2. What Are Subqueries 00:04:11
3. Non-Correlated Subqueries Part 1 00:05:12
4. Non-Correlated Subqueries Part 2 00:05:48
5. Correlated Subqueries 00:04:42
6. Exercise 1 00:15:00
7. Solution 1 00:06:59
12. MySQL Functions - String Functions and Date Functions
1. Section Introduction 00:01:08
2. What Are MySQL Functions 00:01:46
3. Concatenation 00:06:49
4. Substrings 00:08:09
5. Upper and Lower Case 00:03:50
6. Exercise 1 00:20:00
7. Solution 1 00:09:52
8. Date Function 00:07:30
9. Month Function 00:04:37
10. Year Function 00:03:11
11. Exercise 2 00:15:00
12. Solution 2 00:04:09
13. Challenges
1. Section Introduction 00:00:00
2. Challenge One 00:00:00
3. Solution One 00:00:00
4. Challenge Two 00:00:00
5. Solution Two 00:00:00
6. Challenge Three 00:00:00
7. Solution Three 00:00:00
8. Challenge Four 00:00:00
9. Solution Four 00:00:00
10. Challenge Five 00:00:00
11. Solution Five 00:00:00
12. Challenge Six 00:00:00
13. Solution Six 00:00:00
14. Bonus Material
1. Bonus – Please Watch! 00:00:00

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