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This course will walk you through step by step in java object oriented programming.
By the end of this course you will be able to develop simple as well as advance application software using java programming language.



At the end of the Course you will understand the basics of Object Oriented Programming. You can enhance your core programming skills to reach the advanced level.

By the end of these videos, you will get the understanding of following areas:

  • Object Oriented Programming – Classes & Objects,Creating Objects from Classes,Constructors, Methods (parameter vs argument), Method Overloading, Data Abstraction,Encapsulation,Inheritance,Abstract Classes,Nested Classes
  • Threads
  • I/O Streams
  • Java Garbage Collection
  • Exception Handling


  • Basic knowledge of computers
  • Ability to download and install software
  • Eclipse and the JDK installed on their computer & basic java understanding e.g if else

Who is the target audience?

  • Complete beginner programmers for OOP – Java
  • Engineers who want to sharpen Object Oriented Programming skills to reach the advanced level
  • Undergraduates facing Internship interviews
  • Undergraduates learning Object Oriented Programming

Course by Achala Chathuranga Aponso

Course Curriculum

1.Introduction Section
1. Major Java Features 00:01:25
2. JDK,JRE ,JVM, Platform & Classloader 00:02:16
2. Object Oriented Programming
1. Entering the Object oriented programming world – Classes & Objects 00:16:14
2. Classes & Objects 00:00:00
3. Creating Objects from Classes 00:03:47
4. Constructors 00:02:54
5. Methods (parameter vs arguement) 00:01:57
6. Method Overloading 00:00:00
7. Method Overloading Demo 00:06:25
8. Data Abstraction 00:02:16
9. Encapsulation 00:05:00
10. Inheritance 00:02:35
11. Inheritance Demo 00:05:05
12. Inheritance – instanceof Demo 00:04:22
13. Static 00:33:51
14. Abstract Classes 00:01:56
15. Nested Classes – Inner Class 00:05:17
16. Object Oriented Programming – Lab Exercise 1 [With Solution] 00:22:35
17. Object Oriented Programming – Lab Exercise 2 00:15:00
3. Threads
1. Creating Threads [Extending the Thread Class] 00:02:49
2. Creating Threads [Using Runnable Interface] 00:03:42
3. getName(),getId(),getPriority(),setPriority(3),getState(),MIN_PRIORITY, NORM_PRI 00:09:43
4. Pausing the execution of a thread 00:05:00
5. Synchronization Part 1 [Method Synchronization] 00:10:00
6. Synchronization Part 2 [Synchronized Block] 00:04:28
7. Deadlock – Threads 00:10:00
4. Setup
1. Download Eclipse 00:01:28
5. IO Streams
1. IO Streams [Introduction] 00:01:46
2. Byte Streams 00:03:16
3. Byte Streams Demo 00:04:23
4. Character Streams 00:00:00
5. Character Streams Demo 00:04:02
6. Creating Directories 00:01:56
7. Listing Directories 00:03:24
8. Java Object Serialization – Write an object to a file 00:05:00
9. Java Object Serialization Serialization – Read an object from file 00:05:01
10. Java Object Serialization – Transient variable 00:05:01
6. Java Garbage Collection
1. Java Garbage Collection Part 1 00:04:16
2. Java Garbage Collection Part 2 00:04:36
3. Java Heap Space 00:00:00
7. Exception Handling
1. Exception Handling – Introduction 00:10:00
2. Exception Handling – Termination Demo 00:03:54
3. TryCatchDemo 00:05:10
4. Multiple CatchBlock Demo 00:04:56
5. TryAndFinally Demo 00:04:37
8. Few more topics
1. Introduction to Generics 00:07:11
2. Arrays Part 1 00:04:44
3. Arrays Part 2 -Insert search delete (unordered array) 00:04:41
4. ArrayList Demonstration 00:02:26
5. Vector [Lecture & Demo] 00:04:44
6. Debugging – Difference between Step Into and Step Over in the Eclipse debugger 00:00:00
9. Guided Programming
1. Find factorial of a number using recursion 00:01:07
2. Splitting the string using the split() method 00:01:40
3. Find the GCD (Greatest Common Devisor) 00:03:57
4. String reverse example using recursion 00:04:39
10. Source codes
General Units 00:00:00
11. Java 9 New Features
1. Java 9 – New Features [Guest Lecture] 00:13:24
2. Java 9 Interfaces – What’s New 00:06:29

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